Fort Negrita Blog

Zero Waste Hygiene/Beauty Series

Self Reliance Zero Waste

Mounting created Bloggif

So this Zero Waste life will never be an option for you unless I break it down. Right? Right!

It really is a pleasure droppin' Zero Waste science for the people, and I've been anticipating delivering video how-tos since I first started my Zero Waste life. Earlier this year, I was trying to figure things out myself, but now I have a swing of things and want to share with you all the how-tos of the...

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Ree, The Swing and The Chattahoochee River

Atlanta Eco-Tourism

recycling is not enough

After volunteering all Saturday under the hot sun for Keep Atlanta Beautiful, I was looking forward splashing around in some chilly river water.

I was expecting to go right after my stunt with KAB, but with the day getting late, we decided to wait until Sunday.

That night I pack up Zero Waste snacks; tortilla chips, hummus, grapes, a veggie sandwich and a mason jar full of water and dreamed of...

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Guests in the Fort: Plastic-Free Culture Around the Globe

Citizen of the Fort Travel Zero Waste

recycling is not enough
Citizens of Fort Negrita! Today you are in for a treat as there are five visitors in the Fort today. Five bloggers from Plastic-Free Tuesday, a blog that skips plastic on Tuesdays to help reduce the plastic footprint. I really wanted to share experiences about their home countries to show how similar (and different!) Green culture is in other countries.

They all seem to have to put up the same...

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Your Favorite Zero Waster's Favorite Zero Waster

Travel Zero Waste

recycling is not enough

There’s a riddimin his bounce as one foot raises, knee nearly pointing towards the clear blue sky, then stomps down on the bare-cracked patch of land. A slight dirt cloud rumbles underneath the tattered black Nike SBs dressed with green and red accents. The gait is profound as if every step is premeditated, and the moment in between each stride is a firm decision to step on Babylon.



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How to Live Zero Waste in Jamaica

Eco-Tourism Travel Zero Waste

recycling is not enough
More than wanting to sit on the drool-worthy beaches of Jamaica, I really wanted to put my Zero Waste skills to work in another country. Just from reading fellow Zero Waste blogs I knew the standards vary from place to place. 
So how did I do for eight days in Jamaica? I only garnered five single pieces of trash independently. That's two sets of flight tickets (ATL>MIA MIA>MBJ MBJ>ORL ORL>ATL) and...

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