Fort Negrita Blog — Zero Waste

Make Zero Waste Body Butter (VIDEO)

Atlanta Zero Waste

youtube fortnegrita

This is universal gold. Hair, body, nail, hand, toe butter. Apply liberally anywhere for an automatic transition to the Egyptian pyramids, circa, ancient times.

Did I mention I get the shea butter zero waste at an Afro-Boutique in Little Five Points? Did I mention all the ingredients are zero waste? Oh...

What You Will Need:
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Shea Butter
Pure Glycerin
Castor Oil
Empty Mason Jar with...

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How to Make Zero Waste Toothpaste (VIDEO)

Zero Waste

youtube fortnegrita

Toothpaste tubes- easily one of the most non-recyclable, non-zero waste, landfill-bound packaging.

Before I officially started my zero waste life, I switched to homemade toothpaste. One, to cut out all the ingredients I can't pronounce. Two, to save my pineal gland by cutting out fluoride. Three, because it's so damn trashy! An average household throws away 1-2 tubes a month!

And they're not even...

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Zero Waste Mascara (VIDEO)

Zero Waste

youtube fortnegrita

I can count on one hand the amount of times I used make up in the year before going Zero Waste. Never been big on foundations and eye shadows, but I like a bit of mascara and eye liner every now and then.

I use an old school eyeliner, which fits perfectly with the zero waste life style. After sharpening my pencil, I can place the shavings in my compost.

As for the mascara, I looked up a few homemade...

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Why Can't Packaging Be Like Skin?

Zero Waste

There are plenty of things I just don't understand. Especially as an Earth advocate. Like why are landfills still the number one answer to waste and how come politicians won't say the C-squared phrase. "Climate change," BOO! lol

No but seriously, I'm curious why can't packaging be made in the likeness of skin? Before I get into my science theory of it all let me just remind yall that mother nature...

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Ecotourism// Kikambala Sea Safari

Eco-Tourism Zero Waste

Ree Shree
Photos by Bobby Boone
 Eco-tourism doesn't have to come packaged in a brochure from the National Parks Service. Sometimes it's literally some random guys walking down the beach. And not just any ol' guys, but men who were nurtured by the beach and learned explicitly about Kenya's large coral reef in school.

While traveling in Kenya in March, I had the pleasure of hanging out at Kikambala Beach on...

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