Fort Negrita Blog — Eco-Tourism

19 Everyday Acts of Revolution

Eco-Tourism self reliance

19 Everyday Acts of Revolution

What does revolution look like to?  Perhaps our idea of revolution was developed by movies, music and pop culture, but let' be real it's overwhelming to think about it. Like a scene from The Warriors; angry youth in denim jackets and black skinny jeans slamming trash cans into windows whilst Jay-Z's "Takeover" plays enthusiastically in the background.  Revolution doesn't have to be so complicated, violent or devastating. Practicing everyday acts of revolution is how we manage to exists, otherwise, we spend our lives waiting for that big 'scene' to happen. In lieu of a big undertaking, take everyday acts of revolution and trust that ideologies...

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Eco-Tourism: Primitive Camping in Perdido Key

Eco-Tourism Self Reliance Travel

Eco-Tourism: Primitive Camping in Perdido Key

Want to get lost without going too remote or to another country? Go to Perdido Key's Johnson Beach. It's one of the best getaways for someone living in Georgia or Florida. And great for people searching for primitive beach options.With it being a 'key' you're surrounded by water on both sides gulf in the front and a lagoon in the back. There is so much to be said about the beauty on Perdido Key beach. Know the moon phase when you take your trip. We camped out when the moon was a little past a half waxing. So in the...

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An open letter to the West Indian Manatee

Eco-Tourism Travel

An open letter to the West Indian Manatee

Oh manatees, You are the sweetest beings on the planet.  I mean really! What other enormous animal has humans, seeking them out, paying money, just to swim with them? To say the least, you're hot stuff! Just like the 72 degree spring water you desire in the winter months, when the oceans get below 68 degrees. I hear you've got the instinct of an, um, manatee to know when it's time to hibernate into the springs to avoid hypothermia. BTW, you potentially can suffer from hypothermia!??! me too! One time, one of your family members traveled all the way to...

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Ecotourism// Kikambala Sea Safari

Eco-Tourism Zero Waste

Ree Shree
Photos by Bobby Boone
 Eco-tourism doesn't have to come packaged in a brochure from the National Parks Service. Sometimes it's literally some random guys walking down the beach. And not just any ol' guys, but men who were nurtured by the beach and learned explicitly about Kenya's large coral reef in school.

While traveling in Kenya in March, I had the pleasure of hanging out at Kikambala Beach on...

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Traveling Internationally as a Zero Waster

Eco-Tourism Travel Zero Waste

youtube fortnegrita
Photos by Bobby Boone

Long flights, quick layovers, time changes, poor Wifi and dead electronics; are every travelers' nightmare.

Flying internationally can be a nightmare all in itself, but imagine having to travel abroad without consuming an ounce of trash. That would have to be hard, right?

Well, luckily I have taken a couple of international trips as a zero waster, and can give you the perfect...

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