RSVP for The First Zero Waste Event In Atlanta

Atlanta Zero Waste

youtube fortnegrita

I've been entertaining this idea in my mind for a while to start a zero waste Meetup group in Atlanta.

As if I'm some unicorn from Venus, one day I frantically asked Trapp, a staff member at Sevananda, "Are there other people like me?!" as he measured the weight of my mason jars and food containers.

He told me there were others, like the guy who brings old liquor bottles to fill up with honey, and another who solely comes to fill up on peanut butter.

It eased my mind but it also made me wonder; Who were these people? Why they started zero wasting? Where else did they shop?

I also wanted to conjure up people interested in making Atlanta more zero-waste friendly. That means more smoothie shops that will pour your drinks in a reusable cup, more restaurants that charge for to-go ware and plastic ware and more bulk shopping aisles at grocery stores.

If you Google Zero Waste in Atlanta, you'll find details about the city's Zero Waste Zones, and the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council Conference.; but I'd like to expand the conversation for zero waste consumers.

That's why I started a Meetup group and I'm planning several events to meet more trash-free ATLiens and others that are curious about the lifestyle.

If you live in Atlanta join the "Zero Waste in Atlanta" Meetup. There is an upcoming event September 22 at 6:30p-7:30p at Sevananda.


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  • Mikella on


    I have been dying to find an ATL zero waste blogger! It seems like our city is just a lil behind with zero waste alternatives.

    Would you be open to making a list of all the places in Atlanta where people have been open to your zero waste practices? Grocery stores, coffee shops, etc. Or maybe you’ve already done this and I’m missing it?

    I’m still new to the movement and have gotten frustrated with push back (eg- the Sprouts by my house sells in bulk but doesn’t let you fill up your own containers) from some retailers.

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